What is the differace in the templates

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Mauren Burns
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Joined: 12 Nov 2005

What is the differace in the templates

Posted:19 Oct 2011 (19:16 UTC)
what is the difference on the 2 formats that allow a bleeded page. The cost is $2.50 but it says 3 : 2 or 4 to 3 or something like that. Wish I had been told there is no bleed on the free PrestoPhoto book formats.
In the past I was able to blled at check out.

I wanted a book with pages that do not have borders. Also I have spend hours on the book but know realize I can not make any of the pages bleed. Will I just have to start over with the different format?
I am Maureen Burns and the album is Stefan Brink and his garden Sept. 2011.
Thanks so much.
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