Cover image size?

Comment on Book Binding and Covers
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Re: Cover image size?

Posted:14 Jun 2012 (13:14 UTC)

Greetings from PrestoPhoto!

The Hardcover fold will need the image to be extended all the way to the edge of the template - this will give the printer the bleed required to create the Imagewrap!

The Imagewrap Hardcover is created by folding the image over the Hardcover board, almost like wrapping a present - therefore it demands more of a bleed in order to accomplish the fold. Once it's completed then the end-leaf is placed over the inside covers to create a complete sophisticated end result!

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Re: Cover image size?

Posted:13 Jun 2012 (15:36 UTC)

I am using your imagewrap cover template to design the cover of a hardcover 8.5x11 book. Since I am making a hard cover book do I still need the image to bleed all of the way out to the soft cover trim area or just to the imagewrap hardcover fold area?

PrestoPhoto Support
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Joined: 30 Sep 2004

Re: Cover image size?

Posted:15 May 2012 (19:14 UTC)

The final size of the cover file should be 8.75 x 11.25 for an 8.5 x 11 book. All important text and images should be at least 1 inch away from the edge on all sides to avoid important content from being trimmed and folded over in production. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions!

PrestoPhoto Support
Joined: 27 Oct 2007

Re: Cover image size?

Posted:15 May 2012 (18:04 UTC)
Your link did not answer the question above. It looks from the the image that I should I add the 0.75 inch recommended bleed to the 8.5x11 cover size for an imagewrap hardcover, for a final 9.25x11.75 inch document. Is this correct?
PrestoPhoto Support
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Joined: 30 Sep 2004

Re: Cover image size?

Posted:20 Dec 2011 (18:00 UTC)

Greetings from PrestoPhoto!

Here is a direct link to a template for an 8.5x11 cover:

Please let us know if you have any further questions and we will do our best to help in any way we can.

PrestoPhoto support
Joined: 12 Nov 2006

Cover image size?

Posted:20 Dec 2011 (01:55 UTC)
I'm not clear on exactly what size to make my cover image document. It looks from the the image that I should I add the 0.75 inch recommended bleed to the 8.5x11 cover size for an imagewrap hardcover, for a final 9.25x11.75 inch document. Is this correct?
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