Memory Book

Comment on Selling Products
PrestoPhoto Support
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Joined: 30 Sep 2004

Re: Memory Book

Posted:20 Nov 2012 (18:35 UTC)
Jennifer, your books are set to Hidden, so you need to provide the direct link in order for other customers to place an order. The direct link is product ID.

The product ID can be found by logging into your account and clicking on "My Projects". The IDs are underneath the titles of your projects.

PrestoPhoto Support
BCC Yearbook Team
Joined: 08 Apr 2012

Re: Memory Book

Posted:19 Nov 2012 (18:46 UTC)
I am trying to do this as well, but not getting it to work.

I go to

Then I'm searching the store by the product ID.

Nothing is coming up.

I'm sure I'm missing a step, but what?

PrestoPhoto Support
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Joined: 30 Sep 2004

Re: Memory Book

Posted:10 Jan 2012 (15:04 UTC)

Greetings from PrestoPhoto!

They will need to have an account with us in order to make the purchase, but not to look at the book!

You will need to give them the URL <-then the product ID#. This will take them directly to the page where the book is offered. If it is protected by a password they will be asked to enter the password. The page will then be visible and they can move through the purchasing process.

If you have any further questions please let us know!

PrestoPhoto support
Michelle Wibbelsman
Joined: 30 Dec 2011

Memory Book

Posted:10 Jan 2012 (02:03 UTC)
I need to give family access to viewing and purchasing a memorial book, but I am not clear on how they should search on PrestoPhoto. I have assigned a password for family in the options, but do they need to register? access the site under my sign in? type in the title? This process is unclear. Thank you in advance. Michelle
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