Which cover for Spine

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Joined: 30 Sep 2004

Re: Which cover for Spine

Posted:04 Apr 2012 (16:15 UTC)
Hi, Jim!

Yes, you can upload a separate front and back cover.. Then, select a color for the spine and add spine text.

PrestoPhoto Support
Joined: 09 Jan 2012

Re: Which cover for Spine

Posted:04 Apr 2012 (15:53 UTC)
Hi again

My images don't lend themselves to a full wrap cover. Can I do a front cover and back cover, each bleed 3 sides? Then, what colour would the spine be? Can I select a color and have type on the spine?

PrestoPhoto Support
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Joined: 30 Sep 2004

Re: Which cover for Spine

Posted:02 Apr 2012 (16:29 UTC)

Great questions. The system will actually make sure that neither of the cover images fall over the spine.

You do have the option though to upload a "full wrap cover" - This will allow the cover image to stretch completely from the back cover to the front. If you are creating your project in a program that will allow you to create a full wrap cover then this might be a good way to go. For specs on the size of your cover you can always go to your cover-step Step 2. Then underneath and to the right of the preview you will see "Preview Hi-Resolution Cover" - click that link and when it opens you can right click and down-load it. This will give you the correct dimensions for your cover.

To learn more about the cover-step you can view this helpful screencast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCzvd1emPB8&list=UUgWmJwU2t0SRxjGkHaEVzGA&index=8&feature=plcp

If you have any other questions please let us know and we'll do our best to help.

PrestoPhoto support
Joined: 09 Jan 2012

Which cover for Spine

Posted:01 Apr 2012 (18:02 UTC)

In an Imagewrap Hardcover book, If I have a bleed photo front and back, can I specify which one covers the spine'? The front cover would be my choice here.

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