pdf upload is eating the first and last pages of my book

Joined: 07 Jul 2005

Re: pdf upload is eating the first and last pages of my book

Posted:08 Jun 2012 (14:58 UTC)

Greetings from PrestoPhoto!

If you could email the project ID number and concern to support@prestophoto.com then we'll take a closer look for you!

PrestoPhoto support
Michael Hollander
Joined: 07 Jun 2012

pdf upload is eating the first and last pages of my book

Posted:07 Jun 2012 (18:06 UTC)
here's what i'm doing.

i have a pdf file that i want to make into a book.

i upload it, and provide a separate image for the cover. full wrap-around image.

when i get to the next page, it shows me the first and last pages of my book as the cover. oops, somehow it lost my separate image.

i then re-upload the cover image page, and it shows as the cover.

but it's lost the first and last pages of my book.

what's going on here?
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