Yosemite 3

Yosemite 3.jpg (image/jpeg • 184.2 KB)
Thursday 02 of April, 2009 (01:38:35 UTC)


by susan, 09 Apr 2009 (19:44 UTC)
Thank you so much,Geoff

by Geoff Chalcraft, 09 Apr 2009 (17:41 UTC)
I'm very sorry to have missed these two of Yosemite.... I was away myself over the weekend.

These pictures are excellent.... do you have to do a lot of hiking to get to these viewpoints or are they easy to reach? They're just so 'familiar' to anybody with an interest in the history of landscape photography. While it's tempting to do the Ansel thing, did you do much with these in colour? I've now made a visit to Yosemite one of those "things to do before I die".

I've been reading a lot about black and white photography lately and at first found the examples to be of lower contrast... not quite a black and not quite a white. I'd always gone for the opinion that I wanted something black, something white, and let the middle take care of itself. But Adams didn't necessarily follow this route.... he just decided how many of his 'zones' he wanted to cover and ignored the extremes or, rather, didn't aim for the extremes.... but then his film didn't have the dynamic range of a modern camera and sensor. I think I'd try just about everything that my camera and software can give me.... HDR, filtering, reduced or increased contrast, long exposures, Ortons.... you name it I'd want to try it! In short, I'd have a really great time. So now I'm just plain envious!!!!

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