Facing My Eyes of Texas

In this third photo essay on the subject, Enduring Style is explored in the many faces that ‘look back’ from their positions as figural objects. The three sections of the essay progressively build the character of the faces and expose the Theory of Enduring Style through the bodacious curves, sleek lines, and the lore of the journey that their faces reveal. The faces are everywhere from figural teapots to the garden gate; all denizens of my repository, here, where the flags of Texas fly. From everywhere, the faces embody styles from the English, French, Spanish, Mexican, Native American, Asian ... and share the common thread of Enduring Style. Their styles are as enduring as the colorful flags of nations that have had sovereignty over Texas and as enduring as the convergent influences, here, where East meets West. While none are native sons, they are now Texan-by-attitude as they look all passersby squarely in the eye. You can not get away from them. Do not think you can escape them. Just enjoy them and the stories their great faces bring to mind. ~ In the reference section of this photo essay, I offer timelines on the ebb and flow of Enduring Style. As a curious person, observations accumulate at a rapid rate. Holding on to those observations and being able to use them to see even more is the milieu of the curious. Timelines of my observations allow me to gaze deep into an area of interest, go back and forth in time, and see the consistent underlying principles emerge regardless of stylistic differences. ~Objects have entered my repository via gifts from others as well as found objects. My intention here is akin to a repository as conveyed by Rudolph Ackermann in "The Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashion and Politics" published beginning in 1809CE. Ackermann's works represented his wide-ranging interests and also depicted the very essence of style in early 19th-century England. While documenting the collections of a time; by happenstance, may I be so lucky to create a treasure trove that rewards exploration.

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Apple iPhoto , Made in the USA Made in the USA
Product ID: 268818 Published 30 Nov 2017
ISBN: 978-0-9993171-3-6