limited options when uploading PDF file

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Joined: 14 Jun 2016

Re: limited options when uploading PDF file

Posted:10 May 2018 (19:50 UTC)
Hi Maria!

I just replied to your email, but I'll reply here as well (:
Your projects appear to be over our page count maximum for Mini Books. This limit is 100 pages and your book is 105. To print at the Mini Book Softcover size, you'll need to remove 5 pages and re-upload your PDF.

Hope that helps!
maria goff
Joined: 10 May 2018

limited options when uploading PDF file

Posted:10 May 2018 (18:45 UTC)
Hi, I'm trying to print a mini photo book with a pdf file that I have created. When I get to the end to buy the book I only get 2 options, and for each option I can only get a certain type of cover. I'm wondering why I don't get both hard and soft cover options with each size and why i'm limited to 2 sizes?
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