Courtney Lott: Faithful Adoption Consultants
A Story on Courtney Lott of Faithful Adoption Consultants

“Presto Photo is Faithful Adoption Consultants' go-to resource for printing adoption profiles.”
- Courtney Lott

"The books printed through PrestoPhoto are by far the highest quality books – that complements our business well."
Guiding and Supporting Adoptive Families
Courtney Lott is from Atlanta, Georgia and is the owner and founder of Faithful Adoption Consultants. She attended Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama.
Courtney founded Faithful Adoption Consultants in 2008 as her family was growing through domestic adoption. When Courtney and her husband adopted their first child, they saw firsthand the need for honest, ethical advocacy for adoptive families in the adoption process. They wanted FAC to be a light in what seemed to be a very dark journey for many families.
Faithful Adoption Consultants offers clients education, guidance, counseling and networking throughout their domestic adoption journey. The team at Faithful Adoption walks alongside clients as they begin the adoption process, from the applications through to bringing their child home and finalizing their adoption. Throughout the process, clients receive access to information on profile design and printing, grants, interest-free loans and fundraising. Clients are introduced to agencies and attorneys nationwide, allowing them to adopt very quickly. Most Faithful Adoption clients are able to bring home their child within 4.5 months or less.
Courtney feels adoption is an emotional journey, and each of the team at FAC has been or is on this emotional rollercoaster. From firsthand experience, they understand what clients are experiencing. They know that adoption is not for the faint of heart – and Courtney and the team want to be there for their precious families every step of the way.
FAC helps their clients create their profile books to tell the story of each family. These books are one of the most important pieces of the adoption process; it is how an expectant mama will choose the right couple to parent her child. Courtney is committed to providing a positive, trustworthy role in the journey of her families’ adoption process. She wants them to know without a shadow of a doubt that FAC has their back.
This has been a rewarding venture for the FAC team. Courtney feels the most rewarding part of her job is seeing God build family after family through FAC. They have a front row seat to watch Him build families through adoption, they see first hand God perform financial miracles for families. There is nothing like calling a family and telling them that an expectant mom has chosen them to parent her baby – that feeling is indescribable.
The hardest part is telling a family that they weren’t selected, or telling a family that an expectant mama has decided to parent after having chosen them just weeks before. Those are by far the hardest phone calls FAC has to make..
We asked Courtney what inspires her the most — she shared:
- The amazing team I work with every day at FAC inspires me. Blessed beyond measure.
- Expectant mamas that choose life for their babies inspire me.
- Expectant mamas that selflessly choose adoption inspire me.
- Adoptive parents that love these precious birth families BIG and WELL inspire me.
Presto Photo is Faithful Adoption Consultants go-to resource for printing adoption profiles. In Courtney's own words, "the books printed through PrestoPhoto are by far the highest quality books – that complements our business well. When high quality books are being presented, we are more likely to have families selected by expectant moms. Again, these books are one of the most important pieces of the adoption process.
There is so much we appreciate about PrestoPhoto. We LOVE the outstanding customer service team – they are amazing. We love the quality of the books, and the fast turnaround time."